A second toolbox

Another project from a couple of months ago that I haven’t written about until now.

I had a lot of fun building the long toolbox from a few posts ago, it’s the first time I’d build anything since moving. I decided I could have made it slightly differently though so had another go at it.

I decided I wanted it to be shorted, and to have a drawer underneath for a couple of hand planes and some chisels.

The timber that was left was a bit more warped than the other lot but I just wanted to use whatever I had left so it ended up a bit messy looking.

Once it was puttied and sanded back it looked better but I decided that a clear finish wasn’t the best way to go given all the patching

We still had some undercoat leftover from the renovations so I gave it a couple of coats. I used a trick I read about where you put vasoline where you want it to look worn

I’d originally planned to do a full height drawer but didn’t have enough of the right timber so settled for one with about 5mm clearance at the top. I pre-drilled the nail holes and then glued it up, and drove the nails in to clamp it.

Here it is with the drawer fitted and some handles and latches added. It will need some paint but it’s good enough for now. The only problem is the weight, once loaded up it’s pretty heavy!

It got used heavily when finishing the renovations though and held up really well. Simple design, rough joinery but it does what it’s meant to do!

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